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Suicide car bomb targets military convoy in E. Afghanistan

English.news.cn   2015-01-06 15:12:29

  JALALABAD, Afghanistan, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- A suicide car bomb targeted a military convoy in Behsoud district of the eastern Nangarhar provinces on Monday, police said.

  "A terrorist riding an explosive-borne car blew it up next to a convoy of foreign forces in Behsoud district on torkham-Jalalabad road at around 03:30 p.m. local time, badly damaging an ISAF ( International Security Assistance Force) vehicle, but no one was harmed," police Nangarhar police spokesman Hazrat Hussian Mashriqiwal told reporters.

  The bomber was killed in his blast, he added.

  Neither civilian nor ISAF personnel was harmed in the attack, he contended.

  This is the third suicide attack in Afghanistan since Monday morning. In the two previous suicide attacks which hit Zabul's provincial capital Qalat and national capital Kabul, five people, including two suicide bombers, were killed and over a dozen others injured.

Editor: 楊茹
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